
Here are some projects listed that I’ve created.

Saving book recommendations

Often after someone recommends me a book, I forget who recommended it and the recommendation itself. I made a site where you can save recommended books, so you can talk or discuss about it later.

To do so search for any book or create a new one, and state by who it's recommended and why. While reading, use notes to save ideas, quotes or anecdotes. Combine this with labeling the books and organize all notes and recommendations for specific topics.


Test Dispatch (Elixir lib)

For integration testing without webdrivers, this library takes the form out of a page after a GET request. It fills in the given fields and uses that to POST the form. This library ensures that your forms and links are still tested combined with the controllers that receive the data.

It will also follow links when you want to use it for a user flow test.

NotFoundRoute (Elixir lib)

This lib shows all routes on a page inside a Phoenix app when hitting a route that was not defined in the router. On this page the routes can be filtered with search and and be futher specified by clicking on a column.


I made a Phoenix LiveView powered multiplayer game with some colleagues on a road trip from Groningen to Prague. The game uses Phoenix LiveView in combination with a simple GenServer as a backend.

The code is open-sourced at DefactoSoftware/BearNecessities


Advanced Password Generator

A password generator that generates passwords based on a set of rules, made in Phoenix LiveView.

It also has a built in password strength checker.

Advanced Password Generator